Writing Group Guidelines! #amwriting #amwritingfantasy

So it's been a little while since the last time I posted. Apologies, life has a way of getting in the way of plans but regardless I'm back! I plan to post each Friday from now on till the day I die. Hopefully life doesn't get in the way. But without further ado, lets talk about writing guidelines. The best way to talk about them is just me telling you what my group decided to do. As we have more meetings, I'll let you all know what worked and what didn't. Below is what we decided in our group, to do:

  1. The plan is for each of us to submit three chapters by the next Friday for which we will read and review the following and talk about at the meeting. So that meant everyone needed a google account and for everyone to have access to the google doc for your manuscripts.
  2. We've also decided that as new members join that we aren't going to make them read and critique to catch up but to critique the chapters we are doing that week. Though we are definitely going to encourage them to read the previous chapters. That way people can understand at least what they are critiquing and how it affects the overall story.
  3. Also we have a plan that we each should also have goals that we want to have. Whether it be revising a certain # of pages, writing a certain # of words, or writing a query, or submitting said query to agents. Just a goal that other members of the group can hold you accountable to.
  4. Then as far as the critiquing goes, I believe we each are going to go around one at a time and talk about one person's book then move on to the next.
  5. We have someone on the East Coast, so we are definitely going to try and keep the meeting under an hour long.
  6. Also at this meeting we are going to submit the next three chapters to be reviewed at next meeting. Though if we gain more members the thought is to bring the chapter down to two chapters.

These are all just guidelines and, as we go along, I'm sure there are going to be tweaks we need to make. Also, we have decided that (not accounting certain life events) we all need to be actively contributing to the group. What we submit each week has to be something you haven't submitted before. Though if anyone in the group would like to just be a beta reader that is perfectly fine. But we want this group to be an active writing group. Just to clarify, active meaning you are working on your manuscript whether it be writing or editing or querying.

Word of the day

Teamwork: the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.