Avoiding the Infinite Edit! #amwriting

Here’s a tip on avoiding the abyss known as the infinite edit. So as I pull a late night writing session I had a moment to where I wanted a certain betrayal to be more poignant and not out of left field. Then it hit me. I figured out the perfect reason for the betrayal but that meant I had to go back and rework the entire book.

So do you know what I did? I wrote the betrayal as if the motivation was revenge but I didn’t go back and rewrite. I believe the best thing for me or any writer to do is finish the book. I’m not saying don’t go back and add in the details that sets up this motivation.

What I am saying is write the betrayal as if you did and then continue writing and do this process as much as you want until you finish the book. Then see if those changes are really necessary or do they require more rework.  Beware of the infinite edit to where you keep rework past chapters that you never finish the book. Hopefully the advice helps. Tell me what you think in the comments below!

Word of the Day

Infinite Edit: To continually edit chapters written rather then writing new chapters.